Crafting immersive NFTs since 2020

Available on 4 chains

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Background Image for Contract Art
Foreground Image for Contract Art
Contract Art

Defining Contract Art

A New Way of Creative Expression on the Blockchain.

Profile Image Of Call Out

Welcome to all newcomers! Let’s dive into NFT Production at Pob Studio. We understand that our NFT’s are technical and might seem complex. Therefore, we’d like to share our perspective on NFT Production with new members of our community to help you better understand and engage with our work.


The act of creating an “NFT” is often simply understood as tokenizing a digital file. While this is indeed part of the creation of a token, we look at the act of tokenization as more ceremonial and part of a larger production process.

Creating NFTs is a big undertaking, and it requires a diverse range of skills, resources, and technical understanding to get started.

Tokenizing Ideas

As creators in this space, we take on the responsibility of creating projects with a high level of intentionality. We recognize the importance of producing designs that first and foremost, sets a standard for what we’d like to see in our industry.

At Pob Studio, we create a concept and then acid test its finer qualities before we even begin to realize the concept as art. We need to see if there’s a finer expression of our idea that truly communicates what we have to say before we begin production. Only then do we begin creating the art and contracts that enable us to communicate our ideas.

The act of tokenization is developed in parallel with art creation—this is what allows us to create mechanical expressions of art that were not before possible. Tokenization is a force of encapsulation. We wrap our ideas in a few lines of code, and all is made manifest by art with smart contracts.

Contract Art

We call our work Contract Art. Each of our projects is uniquely created with information we’ve obtained directly from Ethereum to create expressionist digital art. Contract art in itself is self-referential in that it truly captures the essence and qualities of the blockchain and reflects on its place in cyberspace.

Contract art is a new domain that we believe will be increasingly relevant in the future. There are art forms that are not technically possible without the blockchain and the development of bespoke smart contracts. The term “onchain” will no longer be a feature but a necessity in order to create within this new genre of art.

Profile Image Of Call Out

It's important to note that 'onchain' is an incredibly loose term used throughout the industry. As we continue to build "onchain" contract art, we intend to manifest a deeper, more intricate, understanding of what "onchain" means, why it matters, and how Pob Studio produces "onchain".

Our project, Hash, is a great example of contract art. Each Hash collection is made up of NFT’s generated from the transaction data associated with any transaction hash record on Ethereum—you can see how the entire premise of Hash is contingent on that sample of data being used to generate the art. This form of generative art is only possible because of smart contracts.

Love for creation

At Pob Studio, we live in the world of NFT production. This is what we find most exciting—the opportunity to express our ideas in ways that have never before been possible through means that are novel and meaningful.

To learn more about how Pob Studio works, subscribe to our newsletter, where we share our thoughts directly with our community members.

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“Mix up a little more shadow color here, then we can put us a little shadow right in there. See how you can move things around? You have unlimited power on this canvas -- can literally, literally move mountains” ― Bob Ross