
Crafted with ❥❥❥ · Est. 2020 · Crafted with ❥❥❥ ·Pob

We are fortunate to be in a period where we are empowered to explore new domains of artistic expression.

Our studio is our place to express ideas, be inspired, and experiment as we forge new ground.

Each of our collections is an enthusiastic investigation into NFT art production and a culmination of ideas formed on the blockchain.


Image of a sample of Terrene Hiraeth

Terrene Hiraeth

Successor to Hash, Hiraeth is a generative art collection that enables users to create NFT’s representing moments of onchain activity. Dynamic, and embed with the lore of Ethereum, Hiraeth is a collection that will continue to expand to where history is made.

Image of a sample of Merge


A collection of pixel art commemorating, Ethereum's "Merge" with onchain Gods and Heroes.

Image of a sample of Public Piano

Public Piano

A brutalist art collection inspired by public pianos where different artists take turns in openly expressing themselves.

Image of a sample of Even v. Odd

Even v. Odd

Two collections pitting the Eth-verse against each other. Even numbered addresses and odd number addresses must mint from their respective open editions. The catch? Only one side will get NFT metadata, the other will be forever unrevealed.

Image of a sample of Terrene Exeo

Terrene Exeo

A generative art collection of interactive worlds created with the smart contracts of NFT collections. Explore Ethereum, discover new worlds, and be immersed in live and dynamic art created from your favorite NFT collections. As an example of contract art, Terrene Exeo lives directly on the Ethereum Blockchain. It is designed to change and grow for as long as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) exists.

Image of a sample of London


London is a series of projects celebrating Ethereum’s history that started with an experimental social token that evolved into London DAO, followed by two generative art collections, London Gift and London Embers.

Image of a sample of Hash


A generative art collection that enables users to create NFT’s representing moments of onchain activity. Released in 3 seasons, minters of HASH pieces are discovering and indexing Ethereum’s history.

Our next project is in the works!

Gradient of tokenization

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"Let us never forget, the sprawling genius of a midnight dream."