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Hiraeth is here.

The next chapter of Hash's story.

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Explore across blockchain culture and heritage to discover and appreciate our world's beauty.

Discover what beauty underlies your onchain activity by minting a generative art memento from any transaction hash on Ethereum.

Art generated from txns

Each Hash piece is unique and is generated from a single transaction that occurred on the Ethereum blockchain.

On-chain records including the gas price associated with the transaction, the gas limit, the nonce, and the value paid in ETH, all contribute to the unique characteristics of the art. No Hash is the same.

Tokenize important moments of Eth history or capture personal moments of triumph. Once a txn is minted as a Hash, it can not be minted again by others.

Hash indexes history across Ethereum and introduce a new way of thinking about transaction records on the blockchain.

1 txn

21 gwei gas price
78926 gas limit
6 nonce
0 eth value

1 nft

Small grid
Smooth texture
Low complexity
Low size diversity

Liberty Image

Art is our medium for history

The blockchain's emergence has given rise to a new artistic medium for sharing history. Hash breathes life into tokenizing history in a way that is immutable and beautiful.

"Liberty Leading the People"by Eugène Delacroix

Capturing history through seasons of generative art

Like old vintage films to new-age HDR photography, capturing history has always had an intimate relationship to its medium. Hash's seasons offer a similar relationship through introducing new visuals and new features to the Hash experience.

Each season builds on each other; any moment of Ethereum history tokenized in an earlier season can not be captured in a later season.

Once a season is over, no new Hash NFTs will be minted from that season's visual style. By capturing history through Hash, you are not just remembering a specific transaction, but also remembering the moment you captured it in a Hash.

New seasons are around the corner, Pob studio releases them when the latest released season has sold out.

Released Seasons

Tokenize history now

Hunt for beautiful momentos, discover history, and tell a story through generative art.

Tokenize Image

Own a piece of history

Collect history moments minted by others.

"We are not makers of history. We are made by history" - MLK